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Persistent Systems >

Adobe Systems

(MTS/R&D Software Developer)

#Written test(3 papers 45 mins each- c/c++/java, algorithm,aptitude):

1>find least common ancestor for bst.

2>a string of 0,1s return a string hwich is its 2 complement.

3>find gcd of 2 numbers using recursion.

4>reverse a doubly linklist

5>a array of size (n-1) is filled with 1 to n numerals and only one of these r missing (no repetetion).Find the missing number in 1 traversal of array.

6>find half of a linked list in single traversal.

7>1 question in assembly language i dont remember so go through assembly language also.

#Interviews ( 4 technical + 1 Director round + HR):
1>"breaking a sentence into array of words and returning the base address"..that means formin an array of char pointers(pointing each word) and then returning the char ** pointer that has the address of starting pointer of the array, in it...
pointers,array of pointers, dyanic allocation of 2d array , string reversal using recursion.

2>OS fundamentals.


4>design a class to implement search & insert for it.

5>there is array of n numbers & u hv to find sum(=0) of m numbers .

6>puzzles like car with 4 wheels,3 jug puzzle,100 doors problem,2 sand clock problem (all listed under techies &twisters)

7>In another round they disccused by about virtual functions,pure virtual functions .. then asked regarding race condition.. few things about extern and function pointers.

All the best.


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